G'Day Melbourne

A growing metropolis of over 5 million people, Melbourne is famous for its rich arts and culture, as well as its feverish love of sport. A culinary city, a coffee-loving city – a city filled with galleries, amazing diversity in restaurants and fast and convenient public transport.

The Melbourne Cricket Ground, home to the AFL Grand Final.The Rod Laver Arena, home to the Australian Open. St Kilda Beach, bustling all summer long. Brunswick Street, Chapel Street and Sydney Road, shopping strips kilometres long, bursting with designer fashion and locally-made goods. And only 15-20 minutes’ drive or a short train trip from all that central Melbourne has to offer, is the western corridor, covering some of the most eclectic and cool suburbs in the world (Footscray, Yarraville) the waterside attraction of Williamstown, the beaches at Altona and the beautiful and affordable, spacious new housing estates of Werribee, Point Cook and Melton. Just a few kilometres further on, you could have a semi rural property in areas such as Bacchus Marsh, Gisborne or Sunbury, with room for the kids’ pony!

There are also the bustling shopping strips home to various ethnic communities, including Vietnamese, Turkish, Greek, Italian, Ethopian, Afghan and many, many more. This is a global city with career opportunities to match.

Your new home. Your new life.

Moving from Overseas

We welcome applications from international health professionals who are looking to move to Australia. We're pleased to have many nurses, midwives, doctors and allied health professionals already on staff who come to us from regions including Asia, Africa, the UK and Ireland, and North America. We provide assistance for international health professionals considering joining us. 

Depending on your visa, there may be restrictions on the type of work you can do in Australia. To find the right visa for your circumstances, check out​ the Visa Finder on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection Website. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder

Professional Registration
To work as a health practitioner in Australia, you need to apply for and be registered with the relevant national board. The authority for registration of health practitioners in Australia is the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). For information about overseas practitioners visit the AHPRA website. https://www.ahpra.gov.au/registration/registration-process/overseas-practitioners.aspx

Tax File Number
​A Tax File Number (TFN) identifies you for tax and superannuation purposes. Information you provide in your TFN declaration will allow your employer to work out how much tax to withhold from payments made to you. You must have a TFN to work in Australia. https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/tax-file-number/apply-for-a-tfn/foreign-passport-holders,-permanent-migrants-and-temporary-visitors---tfn-application/

If you are a foreign passport holder, permanent migrant or temporary visitor you can apply for an Australian TFN online on the Australian Taxation Office website.

Superannuation will be paid in accordance with the minimum statutory required contribution under the Superannuation Guarantee Contribution Legislation.
Superannuation is a tax-effective way to save for your retirement. Click here​ for more information on how super works. https://moneysmart.gov.au/how-super-works

Your superannuation fund may also offer insurance for loss of life and income protection.

Bank Account
You also need a bank account to live and work in Australia. The vast majority of employers will pay salaries directly to a bank account via electronic funds transfer. The dominant players in the market are known as the Big 4, and all allow migrants to open bank accounts before their arrival.

Click here for more information on how to choose the right bank account for you.https://moneysmart.gov.au/banking/transaction-accounts-and-debit-cards 

Access to Government Health Services
Depending on your visa, you may be eligible to access federal government services such as free hospital care at government-run hospitals (such as those operated by Western Health) and reduced fees for out-of-hospital services.

You will need a Medicare card to access these services. Pharmacies may also require you to present a Medicare card before they dispense certain prescribed and over-the-counter medications.​ Click here for more information on Medicare Cards and eligibility. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/medicare/medicare-card

Typical insurance that people commonly purchase include:


Home and contents


Income protection (temporary or permanent disablement)

​Loss of Life 

Selecting the right type of insurance can be a daunting task. Click here (https://moneysmart.gov.au/) to read more about your insurance needs and options. This site can make it easier to find the right health insurance for you https://www.privatehealth.gov.au/dynamic/search/start  

Income and Life insurance fees can be taken from your Superannuation. In some cases your Superannuation will provide you with automatic cover, please speak to your provider about your options.

Living locally

The vast majority of our employees work at Footscray and Sunshine campuses. We also have employees working at the Sunbury and Williamstown campuses. These suburbs are set within the following ​municipalities:

  • Footscray - City of Maribyrnong 
  • Sunshine - City of Brimbank​
  • Williamstown - City of Hobsons Bay
  • Sunbury - City of Hume

These municipalities are responsible for providing local services to residents including health and wellness, car parking, rubbish removal, libraries, childcare and early learning services etc. and are governed by elected councils.

Where to live? 
Houses for sale or rent are advertised online at Domain.com.au or Realestate.com.au. Listings include the details of the real estate agent managing the property transaction.

There is no shortage of locally based agents. For a locally based real-estate agent go to Real Estate Institute Victoria and search by suburb.

Lifestyle, Art & Culture,  Sport

Melboure is home to world class entertainment, shopping, restaurants, bars and landmarks from Federation Square, the Royal Botanic Gardens and Queen Victoria Markets. 
Victoria has wonderful natural features and amazing wildlife. You can reach beaches, mountains, rural farms and zoos within an hour of Melbourne.

Art & Culture
Melbourne’s calendar is full of major cultural events and festivals. Whether you love films, flowers, fashion or food, there is a Melbourne event for you.

Melbourne is the self-proclaimed sports capital of the world. We are a sports-obsessed city all year round:

In autumn and winter we are the home of Australian Rules Football – Australia’s national sport
In spring we host the world-renowned Spring Racing Carnival for horse racing. The annual Melbourne Cup is the feature event of the Spring Racing Carnival
In summer we host cricket matches, golf events and tennis tournaments. The Australian Open tennis grand slam happens in Melbourne every January, and the Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix is held every March.


Childcare, Kindergarten and School
There are two categories of childcare centres, kindergartens and schools – government (public or community) and non-government (private or independent, including those with religious affiliations).

Early years, Childcare and Kindergarten

Local playgroups are a way for you and your child to interact with others and make friends. Playgroups are administered by Playgroup Victoria, in partnership with local groups and councils. Check your council website for information about free services that are provided for the younger years. https://www.playgroup.org.au/

Young children aged from six weeks to six years old can be cared for in a childcare centre. The main types of childcare are:

Private childcare centres
Community childcare centres (not-for-profit and council-run centres)

Family daycare 
In-home care - where children are cared for in their own home by a carer such as a nanny or au pair.
To learn more about early learning or to search for a childcare centre or kindergarten, visit Child Care Finder. Most childcare centres also offer a Kindergarten program for children who are three and four years old. https://www.childcarefinder.gov.au/

Kindergartens provide educational programs for three and four year old children to prepare them for primary school.

​Primary & Secondary School

In the state of Victoria, to commence primary school, your child must turn five years of age by 30 April of the year that they start school. You may choose to delay school until the year that your child turns six years of age - this is the compulsory school starting age. Upon completion of Primary School, the student will transition to Secondary School. 

For more information about the Australian school system click here https://www.study.vic.gov.au/en/study-in-victoria/victoria%27s-school-system/Pages/default.aspx

Look up Primary and Secondary schools in your area on the My Schools website https://www.myschool.edu.au/

Melbourne is home world class Universities. 
Western is proud to partner with major universities including: Victoria University, University of Melboure, Deakin and La Trobe. 


Owning and Driving Your Vehicle
If you wish to purchase a vehicle, you can view vehicles for sale at ​carsales.com.au​

To drive in Australia you need a drivers licence, and all vehicles must be registered. The motor vehicle and licencing authority in the state of Victoria are called VicRoads. VicRoads can help you to ensure you have the appropriate licence and will also register your vehicle. 

Click here​ for more information regarding licences.

Click here for more information regarding registration.

Public Transport
Melbourne’s public transport network consists of trains, buses and trams. You can plan a trip or explore routes on the PublicTransport Victoria website​. https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/

To ride on Melbourne’s public transport system, you need a travel card with funds credited on it, called a Myki card. ​​https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/tickets/myki

Click here to find out how to obtain a Myki card.